Northwest Rockford has 27 churches of every denomination as well as a Mosque. This area also has several home churches and small storefront congregations where neighbors and friends gather to the Glory of God.
Third Presbyterian Church
1221 Custer Ave., Rockford, IL 61103
Rev. Stephen Bowie, Pastor
Christian Union Full Gospel Church Ministries
1705 Kilburn Ave, Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 963-3808
Pastor: Bishop Leonard James Sr
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
1829 N Rockton Ave, Rockford, IL 61103
Rev. Eric Lemonholm
St. Bernadette Parish
2400 Bell Ave, Rockford, IL 61103
Rev. Kenneth Stachyra
United Lutheran Church
3630 N. Rockton Ave., Rockford, IL 61103
Rev. Julane Nease
Halsted Road Baptist Church
3326 Halsted Road, Rockford, IL 61101
Pastor: Rev. Jeremiah Griffin

- Living Stones
- Grace Vietnamese Baptist Church
- Berean Baptist Church
- Mt. Olive Baptist Church
- Riverside Assembly of God
- Ephesians Missionary Baptist
- St. Paul Lutheran Church
- Berean Baptist Church
- Greater New Hope Baptist Church
- Rockford Community Church
- First United Church of God
- New Life Center/Church
- Beverly Park General Baptist (meeting in homes)
- Greater New Jerusalem Church
- Christian Union Full Gospel Church
- Alders Gate United Methodist
- All Nations Worship Center
- Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Church
- Chaplewood Evangelical Free Church
- United Lutheran Church
- Beth Eden United Methodist Church
Beacon of Light- 7th Day Adventist
Aldersgate UMC
River of Life Church of God
Family Bible Fellowship
Liberty in the Spirit
Deliverance Crusaders Center
Beverly Park General Baptist Church (meeting in homes)